Barley Salad Bowl


I’ve been home alone this week for reasons related to someone in our household forgetting their visa and not being allowed on the plane home. I haven’t particularly enjoyed this. Not only am I missing Paulus, but I also had to do groceries by myself (gasp! I drove. By myself!) and I’ve had to try to combat the jet lag by myself. The latter resulted in me going to sleep around 7pm every night after wanting to for a couple of hours. But at least I had good food. And since I got up at 4am every morning, I have had plenty of time to write about it.

On Tuesday, my lunch choice was influenced by Paulus’ being away (=vegetables! grains! legumes!) and by my feeling like healthier eating on account of it being a new year and all (last year I bought a juicer right after new year – I’m sensing a pattern). So I had a grain and salad bowl for lunch. It had cooked barley grains that were delicious with olive oil, hardboiled egg, tomatoes, cottage cheese, olives, chickpeas, lots of arugula, and black pepper. But most importantly, I ate it from my new (old) gold rimmed plate that my mom gave me for Christmas.


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