• The end of the 2018 journey

    Now that we've been back in San Diego for a couple of weeks, I thought i would share a few reflections on our epic traveling year. It feels like we gone for a year, though it was really only 9 months.

  • He’s One Month Old!

    [easy-image-collage id=2231] I absolutely cannot believe how a whole month has passed already. Actually, at the time I'm writing this, we're closer to six weeks, but I'll try to accurately

  • Things I Ate

    I haven't been very good in writing about food and cooking during most of this pregnancy. I guess I got out of the habit a bit during the first trimester

  • Æbleflæsk (apple pork)

    With December coming up, I’ve started to crave the traditional Danish dishes that we usually eat around Christmas. One thing I like to make is Æbleflæsk, which translates to something like apple

  • Rugbrød (Rye Bread)

    Rugbrød is one of the most iconic Danish food items there is. It’s a dense, sourdough bread made with rye flour and often whole rye berries. And unlike its American namesake, this bread has nothing

  • The Story of the Everyday Bread

    I’ve been baking bread for a long time, but it still seems magical to me that flour, water, yeast and salt can turn into crusty, fragrant, golden loaves of bread like these. I remember from

  • Everyday Bread: Shaping and Baking

    Almost every person that has ever been to my house has been fed homemade bread. That’s probably because bread is something we almost always have, because I bake so often. But the bread-eaters also